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Prince of Whales teams up with Transport Canada and Surfrider Foundation to clean up the Gorge Waterway
September 5, 2024

Prince of Whales teams up with Transport Canada and Surfrider Foundation to clean up the Gorge Waterway

Prince of Whales

Victoria, BC, September 5, 2024

Prince of Whales, a leader in sustainable tourism, has once again demonstrated its ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and protecting the Salish Sea. This time, the company has teamed up with the Surfrider Foundation and Transport Canada to conduct a zodiac-based cleanup of the Gorge Waterway.

Directly from Transport Canada and Prince of Whales’ vessel, the project collected an impressive 380kg of debris from the Inner Harbour and Gorge Waterway. The items removed included tires, plastics, glass, food wrappers, rope, foam, clothing, and even discarded appliances. Some of the debris collected was encrusted with barnacles, a clear sign that the garbage had been there for quite some time. These pollutants can degrade water quality, release microplastics and toxins, and pose severe risks to marine wildlife, including entanglement and habitat disruption. 

“Our events allow people to easily get involved with a meaningful restoration activity that immediately improves the local environment,” says Katie Keats, Beach Cleanup Manager at the Surfrider Foundation. “Our cleanups also provide opportunities for us to engage with our communities and government at all levels. We use the data we collect to inform policy makers of the types of debris we are finding on our coastlines. An example is our Foam Free Waters campaign, which focuses on eliminating expanded and extruded polystyrene from the aquatic environment.” 

“Our goal is simple: to protect the Salish Sea for future generations. Every piece of debris we remove is a step towards preserving the marine life and ecosystems that make this place so special,” comments Nik Coutinho, Sales and Marketing Manager at Prince of Whales.

The collaboration between Prince of Whales, the Surfrider Foundation, and Transport Canada exemplifies the power of unity in environmental conservation.  Last year’s initiative was equally impactful, and the company aims to continue building on this momentum. Looking ahead, Prince of Whales is excited to announce another cleanup scheduled for this fall, and volunteers are welcome to contact Prince of Whales directly to join the next vessel-based cleanup!

CTV News Vancouver Island covered our clean-up, watch the story here:

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