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Breaching News!
May 7, 2024

Breaching News!

Prince of Whales

We’re thrilled to launch our latest project, ‘Breaching News’ in collaboration with CHEK News! Check out the latest scoop from the Salish Sea every Saturday and Sunday during the 5PM News! We are proud to collaborate with everyone’s favourite TV hosts, Scott and Tess, to bring you the latest splash of the Salish Sea!

Breaching News aims to educate and inform our community about all the wonderful marine creatures that inhabit our region. We believe that by educating guests and the community on board, and through projects like this, we can instill passion, belonging and on this week’s episode, we are happy to feature:

  • Big Mama hanging out with Zig Zag
  • T063 aka Chainsaw
  • Pacific White Sided Dolphins

Stay tuned and watch Breaching News on CHEK News every Saturday and Sunday at 5PM!

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Did you know the Octopus is one of the smartest sea creatures?

Hi, I'm Ollie

I can answer any questions you may have about Prince of Whales, our tours, or anything else you might want to know. Before we set sail, know that while I try my best, I'm not perfect. If you notice something off, our human staff is here to help! Please contact us if you need any additional assistance.

